Postal address
Friedrichsplatz 18, 34117 Kassel
T +49 561 70727-20 /
Cash register
T +49 561 70727-3010
Office address
Dock 4, Untere Karlsstraße 4, 34117 Kassel
T +49 561 70727-20 /
PA to the Director
Lisa Erpel
Curatorial Department
Luise von Nobbe
Curatorial Assistance
Justin Michael Delor
Art Education and Events
Alena Nawrotzki
Student Assistant Art Education
Lara Pigorsch
Student Assistant Events
Elsa Forderer
Art Educators
Zaki Al-Maboren, Nuria Rojas Castañeda, Linda Gottwald, Roland Knieg, Florian Pfaar, Susanne Stein
Carina Wolf
Staff Communications
Lea Roth
Lead Café at the Fridericianum
Helene Wesemüller
Deputy Lead Café at the Fridericianum
Sebastian Gneiting
Lead Ticketing
Andreas Ujbanyi
Head of Production and Technical Department
Martin Fokken
Deputy Head of Production and Technical Department
Larissa Hüttenhein
Office Management Production and Technical Department
Christina Linder