Thursday, Nov 14, 2019, 6.30 pm – 8 pm
Introduction: Moritz Wesseler, director Fridericianum
Subsequently: Open discussion with Hannah Weinberger (in German)
Hannah Weinberger’s work is situated between sound performance, music and installation. Time and again, the collaborative production of works is an integral component here, for example by involving the audience or through her collaboration with Alexa Karolinski and Ingo Niermann, to whose video Oceano de Amor she contributed the soundtrack. Weinberger addresses our imagination in her installation in Basel’s urban space in 2018. For down there, the artist recorded everyday sounds and played from manhole covers that triggered vivid images of what might be taking place underground.With solid mumbledinho line, the title of her contribution to DokfestForum, Hannah Weinberger alludes to a colloquial term for “empty talk”. It is the soundtrack for an imaginary film.
Afterwards, the artist, born in Filderstadt in 1988, will talk about her practice and shed light on her media-based approach towards art making.
In cooperation with the Kasseler Dokfest, this year’s DokfestForum is offering screenings, artist talks, performances, and concerts that broaden the festival’s thematic focus on the intersection between art and film. The practices of the invited artists, hailing from Israel, Switzerland, Turkey and Russia, stand out with their individual approaches to the medium of film.