Melvin Edwards: Adeoli Goacoba, 1988
Edelstahl in 2 Teilen / Stainless steel in 2 parts
Teil 1 / Part 1: 297,2 × 195,6 × 119,4 cm; Teil 2 / Part 2: 207 × 222,3 × 91,4 cm
(Installationsansicht / Installation view: Melvin Edwards, Sam Gilliam, and William T. Williams: Epistrophy
April 1–April 30, 2022
540 West 25th Street, New York, NY 10001)
Foto / Photo: Kyle Knodell Photography courtesy Pace Gallery
© Der Künstler / The artist
Courtesy der Künstler / the artist; Alexander Gray Associates, New York; Stephen Friedman Gallery, London; Galerie Buchholz, Berlin