In the Fridericianum’s new podcast series, upcoming and established representatives of art, music, fashion, politics, and science will engage in a dialogue about creative practices and questions of life. Each episode is dedicated to an exhibition-related topic that offers in-depth, sometimes personal insights into the respective show from various perspectives.

To augment our new podcast series, the Fridericianum commissioned the artist Florian Hecker to create a jingle. The approximately twenty-five-second sequence directly connects to Hecker’s practice, where works often take the form of expansive installations and performances that probe, subvert, and expand the audience’s understanding of synthetic sound, the listening process, and the listening experience. Hecker, who was born in 1975, has been involved in numerous international museum exhibitions, including dOCUMENTA (13) in 2012.

Photo Credit


Bruce Hainley (Autor, Los Angeles) und Michael Lobel (Professor für Kunstgeschichte am Hunter College and The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York), geben in ihrem anekdotenreichen Dialog einen ebenso persönlichen wie kunsttheoretischen Einblick in das Leben und Werk Vincent Fecteaus.
